Deer Resistant Plant List for Pennsylvania-Zone 6. Not everyone lives in a spot where deer are an issue, but if you do, you want to keep reading this Deer Resistant Plant List. If you love gardening and live in Zone 6, you know the challenge deer can present. Fear not, though; there are plenty of deer-resistant plants that you can use in your landscape. The following plants are all hardy in our area. If you are looking for annuals to put into your landscape or containers that are deer resistant, you can keep reading our Deer Resistant Plant List below or check out our blog “20 of the Best Deer Resistant Annuals for Chester County Gardens”.
Deer Resistant Plant List
Ornamental Trees
- Acer palmatum Japanese Maple
- Acer griseum Paperbark Maple
- Betula nigra River Birch
- Cercis canadensis Red Bud
- Cornus (Several species) Dogwood
- Cryptomeria japonica Japanese Cedar EG
- Fagus Tri-colored, purple and copper varieties of Beech both upright and weeping habits
- Ginko biloba Maidenhair tree
- Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia (Semi EG)
- Picea Colorado/White/Blue Spruce EG
- Styrax japonica Japanese Snowbell
- Berberis thunbergii Upright or mounded Crimson or Golden Barberry
- Abelia grandiflora Glossy Abelia (Semi EG)
- Clethera alifolia Summersweet (Fragrant)
- Deutzia gracillis Slender Deutzia
- Fothergilla gardenii Dwarf Fothergilla
- Hamamelis intermedia Witch hazel
- Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Endless Summer’ Bigleaf Hydrangea
- Hypericum ‘Hidcote’ St. Johns wort
- Ilex cernata Japanese Holly EG
- Ilex verticillata Winterberry Holly
- Itea virginiana Itea
- Kalmia latifolia Mountain Laurel EG
- Lagerstroemia Crape myrtle
- Leucothoe fontanesiana ‘Girard’s Rainbow’ Drooping Leucothoe EG
- Lonicera semervirens Honeysuckle Vine
- Mahonia bealii Oregon grape Holly EG
- Microbiota decussata Siberian Carpet Cypress EG
- Nandina domestica Heavenly Bamboo ‘Gulf Stream’ or ‘Alba’ EG
- Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’ False Holly EG
- Pieris japnoica Japanese Pieris
- Prunus laurocerasis ‘Otto Luken’ and ‘Schipkaensis’ Cherry and Skip Laurels
- Schizophragma Hydrangeoides Hydrangea Vine
- Spiraea x bumalda ‘Goldflame’ Spirea
- Taxus baccata ‘Amersfoort’ English Yew EG
- Viburnum, most species, some EG
- Vitex Chaste tree
- Weigela florida Weigela
- Acanthus Bear’s Breeches
- Achillea Yarrow
- Alyssum Basket of Gold
- Anemone Windflower
- Ameria Thrift or Seapinks
- Artemisia Wormwood
- Aruncus Goatsbeard
- Asclepias Butterfly Weed
- Astilbe Plume Flower
- Baptisia False Indigo
- Boltonia Bolton’s Aster
- Centaurea Cornflower
- Cerastium Snow in the Summer
- Chelone Turtlehead
- Chrysanthemum Garden Mum
- Coreopsis Tickseed
- Crocosmia Montbretia
- Dianthus Pinks
- Digitalis FLoxglove
- Echinacea Cone Flower
- Echinops Globe Thistle
- Eryngium Sea Holly
- Eupatorium Joe Pye Weed
- Euphorbia Spurge
- Filapendula Meadowsweet
- Gaillardia Blanket Flower
- Gaura Wand Flower
- Geum Avens
- Helianthus Few Leaf Sunflower
- Hibiscus Rose Mallow
- Iberis Candytuft
- Iris Bearded, Japanese, Siberian & Species
- Kanutia Field Scabious
- Kniphofia Red Hot Poker
- Lavendula Lavender
- Leucanthemum Shasta Daisy
- Liatris Gayfeather
- Ligularia Senicio
- Limonium Statice or Sea Lavender
- Linum Flax
- Lobelia Cardinal Flower
- Lupinus Lupine
- Lychnis Catchfly or Campion
- Lysimachia Circle Flower
- Monarda Bee Balm
- Nepeta Catmint
- Oenothera Sundrops
- Opuntia Prickly Pear
- Aconitum Monkshood
- Ajuga Bulgeweed
- Alchemilla Lady’s Mantle
- Aquilegia Columbine
- Asarum Wild Ginger
- Bergenia Pigsqueak
- Brunnera Siberian Bugloss
- Ceratostigma leadwort
- Cimicifuga Fairy Candles
- Corydalis Rock Harlequin
- Dicentra Bleeding Heart
- Epimedium Barrenwort
- Ferns
- Galium Sweet Woodruff
- Geranium Cranesbill
- Helleborus Lenten Rose
- Lamiastrum False Lamium
- Lamium Deadnettles
- Liriope Lily Turf
- Phlox Creeping, Hibrids & PSecies
- Polemonium Jacob’s Ladder
- Primula Primrose
- Pulmonaria Lungwort
- Thalictrum Meadow Rue
- Tiarella Foam Flower
- Vinca Periwinkle
Deer Resistant Plant List for Pennsylvania-Zone 6
Do note that while these plants are Deer Resistant, they are not deer proof. Hungry deer will eat almost anything, especially after a bad winter. These plants are just less likely than the others to be eaten. If you have less desirable things in the garden, it is less likely that they will stop at your house to munch.